SPC holds open day with ACWF to enhance women’s and children's rights protection

(english.court.gov.cn)     Updated : 2024-04-17

The Supreme People's Court (SPC), in collaboration with the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), held an open day event on April 16 to promote the protection of the rights and interests of women and children. 


Zhang Jun, president of the Supreme People's Court, attends and addresses the open day event. [Photo/court.gov.cn]


Huang Xiaowei, vice-president of the All-China Women's Federation and vice-chairperson of the National Working Committee on Children and Women under the State Council, attends and addresses the open day event. [Photo/court.gov.cn]

Zhang Jun, president of the SPC, and Huang Xiaowei, vice-president of the ACWF and vice-chairperson of the National Working Committee on Children and Women under the State Council, attended and addressed the event. 

Deputies to the National People's Congress, members of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and representatives from the ACWF and its affiliated organizations visited an exhibition on work relating to the protection of the rights and interests of women and children, and participated in a symposium. 


Event participants visit the exhibition on work relating to the protection of the rights and interests of women and children. [Photo/court.gov.cn]


Event participants watch a moot court show. [Photo/court.gov.cn]

The opening ceremony of the event was chaired by Deng Xiuming, vice-president of the SPC, who briefed the participants on the recent efforts of the people's courts in protecting the rights and interests of women and children. Participants availed the opportunity to view a short film on the adjudication of cases on family matters and a moot court show for legal education. 



Judges Wang Dan and Zhao Junfu from the First Civil Division of the SPC introduce the reform of family-matter adjudication and the handling of criminal cases involving the protection of minors, and shared some typical cases related to the protection of women and children. [Photo/court.gov.cn]

During the event, judges Wang Dan and Zhao Junfu from the First Civil Division of the SPC introduced the reform of the family-matter adjudication and the handling of criminal cases involving the protection of minors, and shared some typical cases related to the protection of the rights and interests of women and children. 

Deputies to the National People's Congress and members of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference speak at the symposium. [Photo/court.gov.cn]

Addressing the event, Zhang mentioned the emerging challenges in protecting the rights and interests of women and children and emphasized the need for comprehensive measures in dealing with juvenile delinquency. 

Zhang underlined the importance of combining punishment with prevention, ensuring that court proceedings not only serve as a platform for punitive action against wayward minors but also as an avenue for rehabilitative education. 

He also highlighted the necessity of proactive measures to safeguard the healthy development of minors, calling for collaborative efforts from families, schools, society, cyber service providers and government to protect the well-being of minors. 

It is important to take a holistic approach to protect the rights and interests of minors, encompassing criminal, civil and administrative aspects, with a focus on maximizing the interests of minors, he said. 

Huang said that safeguarding the legal rights and interests of women and children is a shared responsibility of the whole of society. 

She pledged that the ACWF will continue strengthening and utilizing the working mechanism involving people’s courts and women’s federations, leveraging the strengths of each entity and mobilizing resources and efforts from all sectors to address key challenges in protecting the rights and interests of women and children. 

This, she said, will contribute to ensuring a better life for women and children and their families, as well as making new contributions to the development of the rule of law in China.