SPC, SPP jointly release typical cases on crimes against food safety

(english.court.gov.cn)      Updated : 2023-11-29

On Nov 28, the Supreme People's Court (SPC), alongside the Supreme People's Procuratorate (SPP), released four typical cases on crimes against food safety, showcasing the progress made by the country's judicial organs in cracking down on crimes endangering food safety, ensuring the people's safety, and enhancing consumers' awareness of food safety.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the central authority has provided important instructions on ensuring food safety, which is a major issue concerning the people's lives. From 2013 to 2022, judicial organs handled over 45,000 criminal cases involving the production and sale of food that did not meet safety standards and the production and sale of toxic and harmful food, with over 62,000 people being held criminally liable. In addition, a large number of crimes concerning food safety saw those responsible convicted and punished for producing or selling fake or inferior products.

The four cases released this time, involving beef products, diet food, rice noodles and bacon, are highly representative of criminal means, including counterfeiting and adding toxic or harmful non-food materials. Multiple defendants thereof were given harsh penalties together with heavy fines.