People's Court Press

(     Updated : 2023-01-03

People's Court Press is a central State-owned cultural and publishing enterprise under the leadership of the Supreme People's Court. It undertakes important functions and tasks of the legal publicity and cultural affairs development of the people's courts and has become one of the leading platforms for nationwide people's courts to promote their cultural progress.

People's Court Press owns China Trial magazine, People's Court Electronic and Audiovisual Press, Beijing Oriental Legal Culture Media Co., Ltd, Beijing Faxin Culture Communication Co., Ltd and Beijing Tianping Cultural Creativity & Visual Design Co., Ltd.

People's Court Press has built a development structure with book publishing, news and periodicals and smart legal services as three pillar businesses. It publishes books, manuals, materials, textbooks and teaching materials of case trials, releases typical cases under the authorization of the Supreme People's Court, and manages digital platforms including faxin, the digital library and oriental law. It also carries out cultural businesses such as legal publicity, the planing of films themed on legal affairs, legal counseling, professional design and the development of cultural creative products.


Party secretary and chairman: Xu Jianfeng

Deputy Party secretary and editor-in-chief: Hu Lixin

Members of the Party committee and deputy editors-in-chief: Chen Jiande, Lin Zhinong

Member of the Party committee and secretary of the discipline inspection commission: Sun Fengjiang