Chinese courts increasingly handling cases online

(      Updated : 2022-06-15



Chinese courts heard cases online nearly 1.3 million times last year, up 37.64 percent year-on-year, a report said on Tuesday.

The report, which was jointly issued by the Institute of Law with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and China's Social Sciences Academic Press, lauded the achievement made by courts nationwide in promoting online trials to overcome travel difficulties during the COVID-19 epidemic.

It realized the courts' intensified efforts to facilitate online case filings, litigation, payments and evidence exchange since 2020, adding that their work has played a big role in protecting litigants' legitimate rights and helping judges improve work efficiency.

According to the report, Chinese courts filed 11.44 million cases via the internet last year, and evidence was exchanged online 2.6 million times.

Courts across the country also opened online platforms to help residents solve conflicts through mediation, it said.

By the end of last year, more than 24.46 million disputes were mediated online, of which about 63 percent were successfully solved, it added.