China shares experience in structural reform enforcement bodies

(      Updated : 2019-01-24

Liu Xiaoyun, president of the Shanghai High People's Court of the People's Republic of China, shares China's experience in structural reform of enforcement bodies to improve enforcement efficiency at a seminar themed on "Structure of Enforcement Bodies" at the World Enforcement Conference on Jan 22. He explained that the Supreme People's Court established the executive office since 1995 and in October, 2008, the executive offices are renamed as "the SPC Executive Bureau" and that by 2011 all high courts in China had launched executive departments. As the number of enforcement actions increased, China's courts started pilot reform of enforcement bodies' structure in January, 2015. In addition, construction of enforcement command centers is required at high and intermediate courts to support efficient enforcement. He said China's courts will focus on protecting all types of enterprises and deepen enforcement reform to let the parties feel fairness and justice. [Photo/]