Vice president of SPC attends WJA congress 2016

Vice president of the Supreme People's Court of China Tao Kaiyuan wrapped up her visit to Barcelona, Spain on May 22 by attending the World Jurist Association (WJA) Congress 2016.
Tao made a speech in English on the evening of May 19, day one of the three day gathering. She spoke after the president of the Spanish Chapter of the WJA, Dr. Jacint Soler Padró, made a welcoming speech.
Themed “The Internet: Challenges to Peace and Freedom”, the congress covered laws impacting the Internet, cybercrime, e-business, and data protection, among other issues.
The Chinese delegation held a special seminar on May 21 to introduce the lessons and experience of China’s judicial practice, which won a positive response from various delegates and the congress organizer.
Tao spoke at the seminar on “The Internet and China’s Judiciary”, and answered questions from delegate members from other countries.
During the congress, Tao exchanged views with Dr. Franklin Hoet Linares, president of the WJA. The WJA was formed in 1963 in response to an international demand for a free and open forum where judges, lawyers, law professors and other professionals from around the world could work cooperatively to raise public support for the institutions that govern and enforce the administration of international law.
As a non-governmental organization with special consultative status at the UN Economic and Social Council, the WJA is a unique forum for the international community.
Tang Hengpei, Chinese Consul General in Barcelona, also attended the Congress.