Updated : 2016-04-05




Judicial Interpretations

Supreme People’s Court Interpretation on Issues concerning the Application of Insurance Law of the People’s Republic of China(Ⅱ) (3)

Supreme People’s Court Supreme People’s Procuratorate Interpretation on Issues concerning the Application of Law in the Trial of Criminal Cases Involving Environmental Pollution (6)

Supreme People’s Court Reply on Issue concerning whether Maritime Courts may Apply Small Claims Procedure (8)

Supreme People’s Court Provisions on Announcement of the List of Dishonest Persons Subject to Enforcement (9)

Appointment and Removal

Name List of SPC Judges Appointed and Removed by the Standing Committeeof the National People’s Congress (41)

Announcement on Appointing TAO Kaiyuan as Justice of the People’s Republic of China (41)

Judicial Documents

Supreme People’s Court Opinions on Effectively Practicing “Justice for the People”, Vigorously Strengthening Fair Justice and Continuously Improving Judicial Credibility (11)

Supreme People’s Court Publication of Typical Cases of Violating Rights and Interests of Juveniles (19)

Supreme People’s Court Publication of Three Typical Cases Involving Disputes over Insurance Contracts (21)

Selected Judgements

Case of Dispute over Dissolution of a Company: Shi Feng Science and Trade Co., Ltd.v.Fu Jun New Composite Materials(Tai Cang)Co., Ltd.and the Third Party Yong Li Group (24)

Case of State Compensation: Applied by Ma Ping (34)

Model Case

Case of Dispute over Vertical Monopoly Agreements: Beijing Rui Bang Yong He Science and Trade Co., Ltd. v. Johnson & Johnson Medical(Shanghai)Ltd.and Johnson & Johnson Medical(China)Ltd (42)