Law of the People’s Republic of China on Road Traffic Safety

(     Updated : 2015-08-17

Chapter IV

Provisions on Road Passage

Section 1

General Stipulations

Article 35 Motor vehicles and non-motor vehicles shall keep to the right of the road.

Article 36 Where in light of the road conditions and the need of traffic flow, roads are divided into motor vehicle lane, non-motor vehicle lane and pedestrian sidewalk, the motor vehicles, non-motor vehicles and pedestrians shall take the lanes and sidewalks respectively. Where roads are not divided into such lanes and sidewalks, motor vehicles shall run in the middle of roads, while non-motor vehicles and pedestrians shall go on the sides of roads.

Article 37 Where a special vehicle lane is marked, only specified vehicles are permitted to use the lane and no other vehicles shall run along such lane.

Article 38 Vehicles and pedestrians shall go by traffic lights; where traffic policemen direct traffic on the spot, they shall go by the direction of traffic policemen; and where there are no traffic signals, they shall follow the principles of ensured safety and unimpeded traffic.

Article 39 In light of the specific road conditions and the volume of traffic flow, the traffic control department of the public security organ may take such measures as regulating, restricting and prohibiting the flow of traffic with regard to motor vehicles, non-motor vehicles and pedestrians. Under conditions of large-scale mass activities or construction on a wide scale, for which restrictive traffic measures need to be taken, or decisions directly relating to the road traffic activities of the public need to be made, the matter shall be made known to the public in advance.

Article 40 In case of natural calamities, disastrous meteorological conditions, major traffic accidents, or other conditions that have a serious effect on traffic safety, the traffic control department of the public security organ may exercise traffic control, when it is difficult to guarantee traffic safety by taking other measures.

Article 41 Other specific regulations on road passage shall be formulated by the State Council.

Section 2

Provisions on the Passage of Motor Vehicles

Article 42 When driving a motor vehicle on roads, the driver shall not exceed the maximum speed per hour shown by the speed limit sign. He shall keep the safety speed along the sections of roads without speed limit signs.

When driving at night or along the sections of roads that are exposed to dangers, or under such meteorological conditions as sandstorm, hailstorm, rain, snow, fog and freeze, the driver shall reduce the speed.

Article 43 When motor vehicles run in the same lane, the vehicle behind shall keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front, enough for putting on the emergency brake. A vehicle shall not overtake another one under any of the following situations:

(1) when the vehicle in front is making a left turn or a U turn or overtaking another vehicle;

(2) when there is the possibility of crossing another vehicle coming from the opposite direction;

(3) when the vehicle in front is a police van, fire engine, ambulance or engineering rescue vehicle on its way to carry out an emergency task; and

(4) at a railroad crossing, road crossing, narrow bridge, curve, steep slope, in a tunnel, at a pedestrian crosswalk and a section of an urban road with large volume of traffic flow, etc., where conditions for overtaking are lacking.

Article 44 When passing a road crossing, motor vehicle drivers shall follow the traffic signal lights, traffic signs and traffic line markings, or the direction of traffic police; and when passing a road crossing where there are no traffic signal lights, traffic signs, traffic line markings or direction of traffic police, they shall slow down and let pedestrians and the vehicles enjoying priority pass first.

Article 45 When confronted with a situation in which the motor vehicles in front are standing or running slowly in a queue, the driver shall not overtake them by using another lane or the lane for the vehicles coming from the opposite direction, or cut in the queue.

When confronted with a situation in which motor vehicles are standing or running slowly in a queue at the section or junction of a road where the lanes are decreased, or at a road crossing where there are no traffic signal lights, traffic signs or traffic line markings or direction of traffic police, the motor vehicles shall take turns to pass in order.

Article 46 When passing a railroad crossing, the driver shall follow the traffic signals or the direction of the person in charge; and where there are no traffic signals or no person in charge, he shall slow down or stop the vehicle, and pass when he is certain of safety.

Article 47 When passing a pedestrian crosswalk, the driver shall reduce speed; and when pedestrians are passing the crosswalk, the driver shall stop to give way to the pedestrians.

When pedestrians are crossing a road where there are no traffic signals, the driver shall make way.

Article 48 The loaded cargo of a motor vehicle shall be in conformity with the verified loading capacity, and overload is strictly prohibited; the dimensions of the length, width and height of the loaded cargo shall not be at variance with the requirements of loading, and nothing loaded shall be littered or scattered on the way.

Where a motor vehicle carries an indivisable oversize or overload cargo, to the detriment of traffic safety, it shall be driven at a time, along the route and at the speed designated by the traffic control department of the public security organ and hung with conspicuous signs. To the indivisable oversize or overload cargo carried on highways, the provisions of the Highway Law shall be applicable.

Where a motor vehicle carries such dangerous cargoes as explosives, inflammable and explosive chemicals, and highly toxic and radiation cargoes, it shall, with the approval of the public security organ, be driven at a time, along the route and at the speed designated and be hung with warning signs, and the necessary safety measures shall be taken.

Article 49 Passengers carried by a motor vehicle shall not exceed the verified number. Passenger motor vehicles shall not be used for carrying cargoes in violation of regulations.

Article 50 Cargo motor vehicles are prohibited from carrying passengers.

Where it is necessary for a cargo motor vehicle to carry operational workers along with it, the vehicle shall be installed with facilities for protection of the workers.

Article 51 When a motor vehicle is running, the driver and riders shall use safety belts in accordance with regulations; the driver of a motor bicycle and the riders shall wear safety helmets in accordance with regulations.

Article 52 When a motor vehicle breaks down on the road and needs to stop to remove the trouble, the driver shall immediately turn on the warning flash lights and move the vehicle to a place where it shall not impede traffic; if it is difficult to move the vehicle, the driver shall keep the warning flashing lights on and take such measures as putting up signs to warn the vehicles coming from the opposite direction so as to keep the warning over an extended area; and when necessary, he shall immediately report to the police.

Article 53 When carrying out emergency tasks, police vans, fire engines, ambulances and engineering rescue vehicles may use alarm sirens and signal lights; under the precondition of ensured safety, these vehicles shall be free from the restrictions on the route, direction, speed and signal lights, and other vehicles and pedestrians shall make way.

When police vans, fire engines, ambulances and engineering rescue vehicles are not carrying out emergency tasks, they shall not use the alarm sirens and signal lights and they shall not enjoy the priority of passage as provided for in the preceding paragraph.

Article 54 When road maintenance vehicles and engineering operation vehicles are at work, they shall not be restricted by the traffic signs or traffic line markings in respect of the routes and directions they are taking, under the precondition that they do not impede the passage of the passing vehicles; and the passing vehicles and persons shall make sure to give way.

Such motor vehicles as spraying cars and cleaning cars shall work in accordance with the standards for safe operation; and on condition that they do not impede the passage of other vehicles, they may be free from being restricted by the regulation that different vehicles use different lanes, but they shall not run in a direction not allowed by traffic regulations.

Article 55 Tractors shall be prohibited from running on expressways and in the streets of the downtown of large or medium-sized cities. With respect to other roads on which tractors are prohibited from running, the people’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall specify in light of the actual local conditions.

On the roads where tractors are permitted to run, they may be used to transport goods, but not passengers.

Article 56 Motor vehicles shall be parked at specified places. They are prohibited from being parked at the sidewalks, except for the parking berths delimited in accordance with the provisions of Article 33 of this Law.

Where a motor vehicle is parked on the road temporarily, it shall not impede the passage of other vehicles and pedestrians.