Companies Law of the People's Republic of China

(     Updated : 2015-08-17

Article 60 A one-person company with limited liability shall clearly indicate whether it is of the sole investment of a natural person or of a legal person in its registration, and shall have it stated clearly as such in its business license.

Article 61 The articles of association of a one-person company with limited liability shall be formulated by the shareholder.

Article 62 No shareholders assembly shall be set up in a one-person company with limited liability. When the shareholder makes a decision on the matters specified in the first paragraph of Article 38 of this Law, he shall do so in written form and sign it before keeping it for the record in the company.

Article 63 A one-person company with limited liability shall, at the end of each fiscal year, draw up its financial and accounting report and have it audited by an accounting firm.

Article 64 Where the shareholder of a one-person company with limited liability cannot prove that the property of the company is independent of his own property, he shall assume the joint and several liability for the debts of the company.

Section 4 Special Provisions on Wholly Stated-owned Companies

Article 65 The provisions of this Section shall be applicable to the incorporation and the organizational structure of wholly Stated-owned companies; and where no provisions are stipulated on such company in this Section, the provisions of Sections 1 and 2 of this Chapter shall be applicable.

For the purposes of this law, a wholly Stated-owned companies is one with limited liability which is solely invested in by the State and for which the State Council or the local people’s government authorizes the State-owned assets regulatory institution under the people’s government at the corresponding level to perform the duties of an investor.

Article 66 The articles of association of a wholly Stated-owned company shall be formulated by the State-owned assets regulatory institution, or shall be formulated by its board of directors and submitted to the said institution for approval.

Article 67 No shareholders assembly shall be set up in a wholly Stated-owned company, and the functions and powers of such board shall be exercised by the State-owned assets regulatory institution. The said institution may authorize the company’s board of directors to exercise part of the functions and powers of the shareholders assembly and to make decisions on important matters of the company; however, matters on the merger, division and dissolution of the company, on the increase and reduction of the registered capital and the issue of corporate bonds shall be subject to decision by the State-owned assets regulatory institution; and among such matters, the merger, division, dissolution and application for bankruptcy of important wholly Stated-owned companies shall, after examination and verification by the said institution, be submitted to the people’s government at the corresponding level for approval.

The important wholly Stated-owned companies mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be defined in accordance with the regulations of the State Council.

Article 68 A wholly Stated-owned company shall have a board of directors, which shall exercise its functions and powers in accordance with the provisions of Articles 47 and 67 of this Law. The term of office of a director shall not exceed three years. On the board of directors, there shall be representatives of the staff and workers of the company.

The members of the board of directors shall be appointed by the State-owned assets regulatory institution; but the representatives of the staff and workers among such members shall be elected by the conference of the representatives of the staff and workers of the company.

The board of directors shall have one chairman and may have a vice-chairman. The chairman and vice-chairman shall be designated by the State-owned assets regulatory institution from among the members of the board of directors.

Article 69 A wholly Stated-owned company shall have a manager, who shall be engaged or dismissed by the board of directors. The manager shall exercise his functions and powers in accordance with the provisions of Article 50 of this Law.

Upon consent of the State-owned assets regulatory institution, a member of the board of directors may concurrently serve as manager.

Article 70 Without the consent of the State-owned assets regulatory institution, the chairman or vice-chairman of the board of directors or the director or senior manager of a wholly Stated-owned company shall not hold a post concurrently in another company with limited liability, company limited by shares or economic organization.

Article 71 There shall be not less than five persons on the board of supervisors of a wholly State-owned company, and among them, the proportion of the representatives of the staff and workers shall not be less than one-third. The specific proportion shall be stipulated by the company’s articles of association.

The members of a board of supervisors shall be appointed by the State-owned assets regulatory institution; but the representatives of the staff and workers among the members on the board of supervisors shall be elected by the conference of the representatives of the staff and workers of the company. The chairman of the board of supervisors shall be designated by the State-owned assets regulatory institution from among the members on the board of supervisors.

The board of supervisors shall exercise the functions and powers stipulated by Subparagraphs (1), (2) and (3) in Article 54 of this Law and the other functions and powers prescribed by the State Council.

Chapter III Equity Transfer of Companies with Limited Liability

Article 72 Shareholders of a company with limited liability may mutually transfer all or a part of their equity to each other.

Where a shareholder intends to transfer his equity to a person other than a shareholder, the matter shall be subject to consent by more than half of the other shareholders. The shareholder shall inform, in writing, the other shareholders of his intention to transfer his equity in order to seek their consent. Where the other shareholders give no reply at the expiration of 30 days from the date they receive the written information, it shall be regarded as their consent to the transfer. Where half or more of the other shareholders do not give their consent to the transfer, they shall buy such equity; and the ones who do not do so shall be deemed as giving their consent to the transfer.

With regard to the equity the transfer of which is consented to by the shareholders, all the other shareholders shall have the right of first refusal under equal conditions. Where two or more shareholders claim to exercise the right of first refusal, they shall determine, through consultation, the proportions of the equity to be purchased by them respectively; and where consultation fails, they shall exercise the right of first refusal on the basis of the proportions of their respective capital contributions at the time when the equity is transferred.

Where the articles of association of a company stipulate otherwise on equity transfer, such stipulations shall prevail.

Article 73 When a people’s court transfers the equity of a shareholder in accordance with the procedures of compulsory execution as provided for by law, it shall notify the company and all the shareholders of the matter, and notify that the other shareholders shall have the right of first refusal under equal conditions. When at the expiration of 20 days from the date the other shareholders receive the notification from the people’s court, they have not exercised their right of first refusal, they shall be regarded as waiving such right.

Article 74 After the transfer of the equity in accordance with the provisions of Articles 72 and 73 of this Law, the company shall cancel the investment certificate of the original shareholder and issue an investment certificate to the new shareholder, and shall accordingly revise the records regarding the shareholders and their capital contributions in the company’s articles of association and in the roster of the shareholders. Such revisions made in the company’s articles of association need not be voted by the shareholders assembly.

Article 75 Under one of the following circumstances, where a shareholder votes against the resolution adopted by the shareholders assembly, he may request the company to purchase his equity at a reasonable price:

(1) The company fails to distribute its profits to the shareholders for five consecutive years, when it has been making profits for five years running and meets the conditions for distributing profits as is provided for by this Law;

(2) The company is to be merged or divided, or the principal part of its property is to be transferred; or

(3) When the period of business stipulated by the company’s articles of association expires or other situations originating the dissolution stipulated by the said articles of association arise, a resolution is adopted by the shareholders assembly to revise the articles of association for continued existence of the company.

Where a shareholder fails to reach an agreement on the equity purchase with the company within 60 days from the date the resolution is adopted by the shareholders assembly, he may bring a suit before a people’s court within 90 days from the date the resolution is adopted by the shareholders assembly.

Article 76 After the death of a shareholder, who is a natural person, his legal heir may inherit his qualification, except where otherwise provided for by the company’s articles of association.

Chapter IV Incorporation and Organizational Structure of a Company Limited by Shares

Section 1 Incorporation

Article 77 The following conditions shall be met if a company limited by shares is to be incorporated:

(1) The number of promoters conforms to the statutory number;

(2) The share capital subscribed for and raised by promoters reaches the statutory minimum amount of capital;

(3) The issue of shares and the preparations made for incorporation conform to the provisions of law;

(4) The company’s articles of association are formulated by the promoters, and such articles of association of a company incorporated by means of share offer are adopted at the inaugural meeting;

(5) The company has its name, and its organizational structure conforms to the requirements for a company limited by shares; and

(6) The company has its domicile.

Article 78 A company limited by shares may be incorporated by means of promotion or by means of share offer.

A company incorporated by means of promotion is one incorporated by the promoters subscribing for all the shares to be issued by the company.

A company incorporated by means of share offer is one incorporated by the promoters subscribing for a portion of the shares to be issued by the company, with the rest offered to the general public or to specific quarters.

Article 79 To incorporate a company limited by shares, there shall be not less than 2 but not more than 200 promoters, more than half of whom shall have their domiciles within the territory of the People’s Republic of China.

Article 80 The promoters of a company limited by shares shall undertake the matters concerning the preparation for incorporation of the company.

The promoters shall sign a promoters’ agreement, in which to define their respective rights and obligations in the process of the incorporation of the company.

Article 81 Where a company limited by shares is incorporated by means of promotion, its registered capital shall be the total amount of the share capital subscribed for by all the promoters, as is registered with the company registration authority. The initial capital subscriptions by all the promoters of the company shall be not less than 20 percent of the registered capital and the remainder shall be paid in full by the promoters within two years from the date the company is incorporated; in the case of an investment company, it may do so within five years. Before the money is furnished in full, the company shall not offer shares to others.

Where a company limited by shares is incorporated by means of share offer, its registered capital shall be the total amount of the actually received share capital as is registered with the company registration authority.

The minimum amount of the registered capital of a company limited by shares shall be 5,000,000 yuan. Where the minimum amount of the registered capital of a company limited by shares is greater than the said amount, as is stipulated by laws or administrative regulations, the provisions there shall prevail.