Law of the People's Republic of China on Promotion of Employment

(     Updated : 2015-07-17

Chapter III Fair Employment

Article 25 People’s governments at all levels shall create an environment for fair employment, eliminate discrimination in employment, and formulate policies and take measures to support and aid the persons who have difficulty in finding jobs.

Article 26 When an employing unit recruits persons or when a job intermediary engages in intermediary activities, it shall provide persons with equal opportunities and fair conditions for employment, and it shall not discriminate against anyone in this respect.

Article 27 The State guarantees that women enjoy equal right to work as men.

When an employing unit recruits persons, it shall not refuse to employ women or raise recruitment standards for females by using gender as an excuse, except where the types of work or posts are not suitable for women as prescribed by the State.

When an employing unit recruits female workers, it shall not have such provisions as restrict female workers from getting married or bearing a child included in the labor contract.

Article 28 The peoples of all ethnic groups enjoy equal right to work.

When an employing unit recruits persons, it shall give appropriate considerations to the persons of ethnic minorities in accordance with law.

Article 29 The State guarantees the disabled persons’ right to work.

People’s governments at all levels shall make overall plans for the employment of the disabled and create conditions for their employment.

When an employing unit recruits persons, it shall not discriminate against disabled persons.

Article 30 When an employing unit recruits a person, it shall not use as a pretext that he is a pathogen carrier of an infectious disease to refuse to employ him. However, before a pathogen carrier of an infectious disease is confirmed upon medical test that he is cured or before the suspicion that the disease is infections is expelled, he shall not take up the kind of jobs which may easily cause the disease to spread and which a person is prohibited from taking up by laws and administrative regulations and by the administrative department of health under the State Council.

Article 31 Rural workers who go to cities for employment shall enjoy equal right to work as urban workers do. No discriminating restrictions may be placed on the rural workers who go to cities for employment.