Property Law of the People’s Republic of China

(     Updated : 2015-07-17

Chapter XIV Easement

Article 156 Easement holders shall, according to the stipulations in the contract, have the right to use another person’s immovable property to get better results from his own immovables.

Another person’s immovable property mentioned in the preceding paragraph is the servient estate, and one’s own immovables are the dominant estate.

Article 157 For creating an easement, the parties shall enter into a contract for easement in written form.

The contract for easement generally includes the following particulars:

(1) names or titles, and domiciles of the parties;

(2) locations of the servient estate and the dominant estate;

(3) purposes and means of use;

(4) the period of time for use;

(5) fees and the manner of payment; and

(6) means to be used for settling disputes.

Article 158 An easement is created as of the time when the easement contract becomes valid. If the parties request registration, they may apply to the registration authority for registration of easement. Where the registration is lacking, such right may not be used against a bona fide third party.

Article 159 The obligee of the servient estate shall, according to what is stipulated in the contract, allow the easement holder to use his land and shall not obstruct the latter from exercising his right.

Article 160 The easement holder shall use the servient estate in conformity with the purposes and means of use as agreed upon in the contract and to lighten as much as possible the restrictions on the property right of the obligee of the servient estate.

Article 161 The period of time for an easement shall be agreed upon by the parties, provided that it does not exceed the remaining period for usufructs, such as the right to land contractual management and the right to the use of the land for construction.

Article 162 When the owner of a piece of land who enjoys, or is encumbered with an easement creates a right on the right to land contractual management or the right to the use of house sites, the contractor for the right to land contractual management or the user of the house sites shall continue to enjoy or be encumbered with the created easement.

Article 163 If on a piece of land is already created the right to land contractual management, the right to the use of the land for construction or the right to the use of house sites, etc., the owner of the piece of land shall not create any easement without the consent of the usufructuary.

Article 164 An easement shall not be transferred separately. When the right to land contractual management or the right to the use of land for construction is transferred, the easement shall be transferred along with it, unless the contract stipulates otherwise.

Article 165 An easement shall not be mortgaged separately. If the right to land contractual management or the right to the use of land for construction is mortgaged, the easement shall be transferred along with it at the time when the mortgage interest is enforced.

Article 166 When the dominant estate and part of the right to land contractual management or of the right to the use of land for construction thereon are transferred, if the part to be transferred involves easement, the transferee shall concurrently enjoy the easement.

Article 167 When the servient estate and part of the right to land contractual management or of the right to the use of land for construction thereon are transferred, if the part to be transferred involves easements, the easements shall be binding to the transferee.

Article 168 If an easement holder is under any of the following circumstances, the obligee of the servient estate shall have the right to terminate the easement contract, and the easement extinguishes:

(1) abusing the easement in violation of the provisions of law or the contract; or

(2) in the case of compensated use of the servient estate, at the expiration of the duration for payment as is agreed upon, failing to pay the fees after two exigents are given within a reasonable time limit.

Article 169 If a registered easement is altered, transferred or extinguishes, the alteration shall be registered or cancelled in a timely manner.